Benefits of CAFCA Membership

There are so many benefits and advantages to belonging with CAFCA. We are always adding new ones to that list, but the primary benefits are listed below.

ADVOCACY. Legislative/policy engagement, testimony, education and influence; participation and leadership on relevant task forces, work groups with federal, state, county and community partners and stakeholders; successful passage of legislation impacting members; leading advocacy for successful provider rate increases and other increases in funding streams; regular policy and legislative updates; and year-round engagement with professional contract lobbyist.

MEMBER SUPPORT. Monthly Membership Meetings to share landscape updates and issues, ongoing monitoring and tracking of member questions and issues to assist in advocating for resolutions, providing research and resources to strengthen member agencies, maintain relationships and communication with public and private decision makers.

EDUCATION & TRAINING. Our new ProDev Professional Development Training Series features monthly virtual workshops on a variety of relevant topics to help individuals advance their careers or simply hone their skills. Workshops are FREE for member agencies and their staff. Training is also offered as part of our annual conference, a celebration of the work of our member agencies and open to the public as well as CAFCA members. And we offer additional training opportunities, subject-matter support work and information-sharing throughout the year.

PURCHASING DISCOUNTS. Member agencies are enrolled in our SOS Group Purchasing Program, an innovative purchasing initiative designed exclusively for our members and affiliates to help them save time and money on the purchase of goods and services essential to their day-to-day operations. Participating agencies realize overall savings of 25% to 35%.

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Colorado Association of Family & Children’s Agencies (CAFCA) is a non-profit membership association founded in 1982. CAFCA is an active member of Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) and National Association of State Associations for Children (NOSAC).




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CAFCA Membership

Contact Us


Address: P.O. Box 653,
Evergreen, CO 80439

CAFCA advocates for children and families who are at risk by supporting agencies and professionals in providing highest quality care, treatment and access to opportunities.