A leading voice in child welfare since 1980.
CAFCA is the alliance of agencies committed to providing quality care, leadership, and accountability in services to children, youth and families across Colorado. Member agencies represent a broad continuum of trauma-informed services for child welfare, juvenile justice, homeless youth, education, behavioral and mental health, residential care and related services for children, youth and families who have experienced trauma, instability and adversity. CAFCA agencies offer best practices and trauma-informed services that provide safety, stability and healing leading to better life-long outcomes.
CAFCA is a non-profit membership association founded in 1980. CAFCA is an active member of Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) and National Association of State Associations for Children (NOSAC).
CAFCA supports member agencies through:
Member meetings, committees, and work group venues provide opportunities to collaborate, share in mutual support, and develop momentum for the field to thrive.
Regular updates from the legislature and stakeholder community
Trainings, Annual Conference, and other professional development opportunities for member agency staff
Legislative and policy advocacy and systemic reforms and at local, state and federal levels
Active engagement with government and community partners and stakeholders
Colorado Association of Family & Children’s Agencies (CAFCA) is a non-profit membership association founded in 1982. CAFCA is an active member of Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) and National Association of State Associations for Children (NOSAC).
Phone: 720.560.3810
Email: info@
Address: P.O. Box 653,
Evergreen, CO 80439
CAFCA advocates for children and families who are at risk by supporting agencies and professionals in providing highest quality care, treatment and access to opportunities.